Vacancy announcement

31 марта 2016 г.

Agency on Public Procurement of Goods, Works and Services under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

Institutional Development Fund Grant for Implementation and Capacity Building of e-Procurement

Vacancy: Specialist of information and communication technologies 


The National Program of electronic procurement for 2013-2015 was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2012. Agency for Public Procurement of goods, works and services under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (APP) has developed and implemented a web portal of public procurement with the function of e-procurement in 2013 (request for quotation module) and the registration of candidates, as a first step towards the implementation of e-procurement in Tajikistan. The portal also discloses information relating to procurement, such as the law on public procurement, procurement notifications and award of contracts. APP plans to expand the existing national program of e-procurement across the country and implement electronic transactions of procurement over the current functionality, due to this, has requested Bank’s support. The Bank has provided a grant from the Institutional Development Fund for the implementation and capacity building of e-procurement. The purpose of the grant is to implement the National Programme for e-Procurement, and further improvement of existing electronic portal and e-procurement (request for quotation module) to bring to correspondence with the best international standards. APP is the executing agency and will be responsible for project management. 

The objectives of the assignment

APP intends to hire a consultant - a specialist in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). The main purpose of the consultant is to support the effective implementation of the project in accordance with the requirements of the Grant Agreement.

Assignment scope

Consultant will be  accountable to the Director of the APP and will work under his supervision and in close cooperation with the World Bank project team members.

Consultant responsibilities include but are not limited to the following tasks:

(i)                 analysis of the current project activities and submission of suggestions to improve the public procurement portal;

(ii)               update of the project implementation plan and monitoring of its performance;

(iii)             participation in the evaluation of the technical aspects, functional possibilities of the deliverables by the service providers within the framework of project implementation;

(iv)             involvement in capacity building of structural units of the APP and procuring entities in their use of  public procurement portal;

(v)               coordination of contract implementation process with the services providers hired within the project framework;

(vi)             oversee the installation and testing of the e-quotation system

(vii)           any other tasks related to the project that might be requested by the Director of the APP.


The Consultant shall assist the APP in production of the following documents:

(i)      APP’s project implementation plan;

(ii)   Support the APP in preparation of technical and financial proposals evaluation report;

(iii) The contract conditions issues for discussion and reconciliation with the service provider;

(iv)  Reports on progress of readiness of APP staff and procuring entities to use public procurement portal and e-quotation system;

(v)    Ad-hoc reports as necessary addressing issues during the project implementation.

Qualification requirements

(i)                 Higher education in the field of information technology;

(ii)               At least 3 (three) years of working experience with organizations or projects financed by international organizations on implementation of information systems;

(iii)             Thorough knowledge in the field of information technology at the level of software developer, including:

-          Command of programming languages C++, Java, PHP;

-          Work with databases MySQL, PostgreSQL;

-          Administration of OS MS Windows Server 2012 Standard/Windows 8/8.1, OS Linux Debian/Ubuntu;

-          Experience of web-programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript);

(iv)             Managerial skills, the ability to effectively solve the problem within a deadline;

Command knowledge of English not below the level of field terminology, as well as fluency in Russian and Tajik languages

Acceptance Criteria:

-          Evaluation results of the technical proposals of consultants;

-          Formulated database on portal: registries of procuring entities, suppliers (contractors), orders, classificators, procurement plans;

-          Trained users, completed user’s database;

-          Provision of transition of portal administration functions from the third party directly to the APP;

-          Updated portal content, fulfillment of current management and ensuring the smooth operation of the portal.

Consultancy services term

Consultancy services term is 9 (nine) months from April 2016 to December 2016 inclusive.

Resources provided by APP

APP will provide workplace, office and technical equipment, Internet access, access to documents and basic office supplies needed to perform the tasks.

Summary of candidates in English should be applied to:
Dushanbe , Shota Rustaveli street, 22
Phone: (+99232) 2276605

Deadline for submission of CV: 14 April 2016


Agency on Public Procurement of Goods, Works and Services under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan 

Institutional Development Fund Grant for Implementation and Capacity Building of e-Procurement 

Vacancy: Project Assistant


The National Program of E-Procurement for 2013-2015 was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2012. As a first step towards the implementation of e-procurement in Tajikistan Agency for Public Procurement of Goods, Works and Services under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (APP) has developed and implemented a web portal of public procurement with the function of e-procurement in 2013 (request for quotation module) and the registration of candidates. The portal also makes available the information related to procurement, such as the Law on Public Procurement, procurement notifications and award of contracts. APP plans to expand the existing national program of e-procurement across the country and implement electronic transactions of procurement over the current functionality, due to which has requested Bank’s assistance. The Bank has provided a grant from the Institutional Development Fund for the implementation and capacity building of e-procurement. The purpose of the grant is to implement the National Programme for e-Procurement, and further improvement of existing electronic portal and e-procurement (request for quotation module), as well as alignment with the best international standards. APP is the executing agency and will be responsible for project management.

 The objectives of the task

APP intends to hire a consultant – project assistant to support APP in effective implementation of the project in accordance with the requirements of the Grant Agreement.

Scope of assignment

Consultant will be accountable to the Director of APP and work under his supervision and in close cooperation with the World Bank project team members.

Consultant responsibilities include but are not limited to the following tasks:

(i)                 Drafting project related documents/reports/communications to the Government of the RT and the World Bank;

(ii)               Provide logistical support to the project implementation activities and office administrative support;

(iii)             Translation of the project related documents/correspondence to/from English /Russian/Tajik;

(iv)             Manage fiduciary operations and financial documentation of the project;

(v)               Prepare financial reporting and operate the special bank account of the project;

(vi)             Maintain accounting, ensure proper control over the Project financial resources, their movement and payments, following accepted accounting procedures and standards of the Republic of Tajikistan, in accordance with the requirements of the WB;

(vii)           Prepare all evidences and supporting documents on the Project expenditure accompanying the application for withdrawal;

(viii)         Ensure that all project accounts are maintained in accordance with the World Bank relevant guidelines and regulations;

(ix)             Prepare all necessary documentation (WAs, SOEs, Summary Sheets, etc.) for submission to the World Bank to request for replenishment/recovery of the Designated Account on timely basis;

(x)               Conduct regular reconciliations of the bank account balances to the project accounts, as well as to the World Bank Client Connection system. Conduct regular foreign exchange revaluation of un-disbursed balances of the project funds;

(xi)             Prepare the project annual financial statements to be audited and coordinate the audit arrangements of the project and cooperate with the auditors;

(xii)           Ensure that the project accounting system is reliable for preparation of quarterly Interim Un-audited Financial Reports (IFRs). Prepare and submit to the World Bank quarterly IFRs in time and manner indicated in the legal agreements;

(xiii)         any other tasks, within her/his competence, that might be requested by the Director of APP

Qualification requirements

(i)                 High education in economics, business management, finance, or other relevant field;

(ii)               At least 3 (three) years of relevant work experience with projects funded by the World Bank or any other international development organizations;

(iii)             Sound knowledge of local accounting/financial and procurement procedures

(iv)             Skills of using hardware and software facilities of information and communication technologies at the level of the advanced user;

(v)               Fluent in English, Russian and Tajik languages.

Consultancy services term

Consultancy services term is 9 (nine) months from April 2016 to December 2016 with possible extension subject to the consultant’s satisfactory performance.

Resources provided by APP

APP will provide workplace, office and technical equipment, Internet access, access to documents and basic office supplies needed to perform the tasks. 

Summary of candidates in English should be applied to:
Dushanbe , Shota Rustaveli street, 22
Phone: (+99232) 2276605

Deadline for submission of CV: 14 April 2016